Spring Equinox Ritual | Air Magic Grimoire

A Spring Equinox Ritual

We’re just days away from the Spring Equinox, wild one! Monday (03/20/23) marks the moment when each passing day becomes brighter, longer, warmer than the last. To honor the Spring Equinox and the power of Air Magic, I crafted a ritual for you.

It may look like a simple, practical spring cleaning, but don’t be fooled. I promise you it’s so much more. I’ve woven in subtle ways for you to take full advantage of the deeper metaphysical truths at work.

The energetic weight of physical objects cannot be underestimated.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes forms.

Spring calls on you to change the form of stagnant energy.

The element of Air is all about change, movement, and transformation. It's the first light of dawn rising over the eastern horizon. It’s the very definition of a new start. It’s time, wild one, to stir up stagnant energies and literally create space for every fresh beginning coming your way! It’s time to leave the stillness of earthy winter and dedicate yourself to rebirth.

Are you ready to become an energy worker?

Every day, for the next 11 days, clear at least one thing out of your home (or office or studio, etc.).

You can throw it away, donate it if it's appropriate to do so, gift it to a friend, burn it on a bonfire in your backyard. Whatever needs to be done, needs to be done. You’ll know.

You can choose one specific area of your space to clear (e.g. kitchen junk drawer, crowded storage corner in your basement, stuffed closet, cluttered bathroom vanity) or flit and fly around your space at random each day and let inspiration strike.

But are you ready to take this from practical to magical? Consider the following … something is sacred because you say it is.

Your spring cleaning becomes a ritual, and you become an energy worker, when you recite the Invocation of Air Magic before digging into that drawer.

Your spring cleaning becomes a ritual, and you become an energy worker, when you light incense and spend a moment breathing in sync with the trails of smoke before you add shoes to the donation pile on your bed.

Your spring cleaning becomes a ritual, and you become an energy worker, when you rise at dawn and move your body through a flow of chest-opening yoga poses before tossing all the cluttered widgets you can no longer identify out of your desk drawer and into the trash.

Your spring cleaning becomes a ritual, and you become an energy worker, when you leave a clear Quartz point and a stick of Selenite in your newly cleared space, thanking these stones for the medicine of clarity.

Because again, wild one, something is sacred because you say it is.

Your partner may think you just caught a manic wave of organizational frenzy when they see their ratty Saturday clothes in the burn box; but you know you’re busy calling in a fresh wave of possibilities.

You know that removing stagnant objects from your physical space literally and metaphysically clears the way for the energy around you to change forms.

Cheers to transformation and rebirth! Clear it out. Clear it all the way out. Don’t be precious with it. What’s coming for you is far greater than the stale energies clinging on around you right now. Believe that.

Enjoy the bright light of the Spring Equinox and work your unique magic.

Stay wild.

© 2023 The Air Magic Grimoire is an ongoing content series from Altars of Metal & Stone. Click here to read my post on Wild Alignment, the inspiration behind the full Elemental Magic Grimoire series. To read The Earth Magic Grimoire (published Winter 2022), click here. To read all Air Magic Grimoire entries, click here.