An Invocation | Air Magic Grimoire

Air Magic

Air Magic is dynamic and ever changing. It is the high vibrational magic of new ideas, intellectual inquiries, wild curiosity about anything and everything. This bright magic of air carries with it a quickness. It is our undeterred focus, our clear knowing, our quick wit, our open mind.

Air Magic is the budding Spring, the wild Maiden, the glow of the waxing moon.

Your inner Maiden archetype is the source of your innocent drive, your undeterred belief that everything works out. Her boundless energy excitedly welcomes new beginnings with open arms. Imagine a warm spring breeze sweeping through the cobwebs of your winter hibernation. Clear paths. Renewed energy. Wide open spaces. Completely fearless.

Air Magic is the magic of the waxing moon. This fresh beginning, emerging from the darkness of the prior lunation, reminds us that we are capable of bold action. It teaches us that while there is a time for rest, there is also a time for passionate momentum.

Whenever you want to tap into the power of Air Magic, I invite you to use my personal invocation, as shared below, or to make these words your own in whatever way feels magical to you.

Refer back to this invocation anytime you need to call back your energy and feel hopeful, brave, and creative. You can speak it aloud as you set up your Spring Equinox altar. You can incorporate it into your next waxing moon ritual. You can pick and choose the passages that feel right at different times. You can, of course, let it go if it doesn’t feel right to you. Trust yourself. You’ll know how and when to call on this magic.

Invocation of Air Magic

I call in the airy energies of the East into this wild, holy space.

May the dawn of first light remind me of the power of new beginnings.

May my magic be focused and quick, sharp like my first breath.

May the tender warmth of spring welcome my inner Maiden, the sacred self who creates her life with fearless abandon.

May the glow of the waxing moon inspire my wildest dreams and most ambitious adventures.

May the ever changing wind remind me that I too contain multitudes and infinite possibilities.

I am grateful for the clarity of this ancient air magic.

© 2023 The Air Magic Grimoire is an ongoing content series from Altars of Metal & Stone. Click here to read my post on Wild Alignment, the inspiration behind the full Elemental Magic Grimoire series. To read The Earth Magic Grimoire (published Winter 2022), click here.