Wild Alignment | Elemental Magic Grimoires


Your body holds an ancient relationship to the earth’s seasons and the moon's tides. Your primal self knows, at a cellular level, how to live in harmony with the elements.

Before you are initiated into the elemental mysteries, you sublimate your wild self to the will of concrete cities, fluorescent lights, blaring alarm clocks, meeting schedules running you ragged, and a relentless pursuit of any goal at any cost. You betray your wild self with the belief that you’re not beautiful as you are in your natural state. You ignore your intuition to pursue the "shoulds" and preferences of others. You distrust yourself and you fear your power.

But the wild ones know.

The wild ones know of an old, well-worn path for us to travel.

Once you’re initiated into the elemental mysteries, your primal self remembers how to listen to ancient rhythms and live in harmony with the elements. Your cells sense the moment that boisterous summer slides into reflective autumn. Your energy whispers when the moon wanes and retreats into darkness, and shouts when she waxes bright again.

Your. Body. Already. Knows.

In our hyper modern world, most of us have lost this connection. But we’re also waking up. We know something is missing. That knowing is an invitation to create your own unique elemental magic.

This series of Elemental Magic Grimoire entries is designed to support your wild awakening and your unique magic.

Click here to read The Earth Magic Grimoire. Entries in The Air Magic Grimoire are released throughout Spring 2023. Click here to receive new grimoire entires in your inbox.

© 2022-2023 The Elemental Magic Grimoire is an ongoing content series from Altars of Metal & Stone.